Hilarity Ensues: On Facebook and Business Cards

on Feb 3, 2010

So! Tonight I had one of the funniest things happen to me in some time. I JUST GOT STRAIGHT UP DEFRIENDED! Yes, on the Facebook. Wow!

I'm not going to be an asshole and use names because, in all honesty, I have no anger, am not distraught, and am still all giggly (yes giggly) about this. So for the story, we'll call my defriender (that almost sounds cool) "Defriender" and the other person will be..... "Shaniqua." That sounds good. Here's the story:

Defriender had commented on a status of mine. Shaniqua recognized the name and said hi to me. To cut to the chase, Shaniqua is a hater of Defriender. Now, I couldn't really care less. Defriender and I are still on good terms as far as I'm concerned. But I found the fact funny and interesting, so I proceeded to have the following conversation with Defriender....

Me: guess what! turns out a friend of mine is a hater of yours!
Defriender: WHO
Me: really?
Me: that could get me into trouble.
Defriender: WHO
Defriender: .........
Me: no seriously. that will get me into trouble
Defriender: k bye

Defender then proceeded to disconnect, and defriend me. Now, I don't know about anybody else, but I think that was simultaneously awesome, hilarious and unfortunate all at the same time. And I really don't give a shit. :D Some days I love being me!

On a lighter note, I'm designing a business card. This is iteration 5, finalized with the help of Cody. I think it turned out really well; for sure a lot better than I was expecting with the rough draft. It's the first thing you see in this post. The symbol in the middle is my monogram. It took me half of a freakin' hour on my mom's Wacom tablet to get it just so. (Those last two sentences were the third edit to this. I should really proofread more.) Cody and I had to brainstorm a bit to come up with my title of "world traveller." I couldn't find anything fitting because "adventurer" didn't really work in practice and "consent engineer" just isn't something I want to explain to a stranger. The design was originally going to go on 2.5" round cards, but those are stupidly expensive. Instead, its going to be centered on a standard rectangular card (also Cody's idea, I quote "I like white space!") and I'm going to put some cool black and white photo of myself on the back.

Wow. Now that I proofread that, turns out Cody helped a lot when my own ideas crashed and burned. Thank you, Cody!

Finally, I bought my first piece of gear tonight. A Patagonia R2. Mine's pretty and red! I still have several more things to get, but I'm stoked about this. It's really begun.

And I should be getting my passport renewed on Friday. WOOHOO!!!!!


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